Nine noble families battle for control of the lands of Westeros, while an ancient enemy returns after a thousand years of inactivity. George R. R. Martina once said she would leave him if he killed Arya or Sansa. Tywin Lannister: A man who has to say "I am king" is not a true king. During the opening credits, each actor's name is accompanied by the house signs of their character. Featured in the Top 10 Hollywood Movies: Critics' Choice Nominations: Drama (2011). Main Title (Uncredited) Written and Performed by: Ramin Javadi. You know, a lot of people say that about a lot of different shows, but Game of Thrones is without a doubt one of the best TV shows ever's almost perfect (except for maybe the last few episodes). season ) and without a doubt one of my favorite shows! Yes, the last few episodes of season 8 weren't that great, and the ending was absolutely awful, but the first 7 and a half seasons were so great that I'm still giving it a 10! This is one of the few shows that I can watch from the first to the last episode and not get tired of it. I'm pretty sure there's no show in the history of television that has been talked about or loved more than Game of Thrones. You only have to read the reviews to see how much we truly love this show! It's absolutely incredible.